class: center, middle, main-title # CSS Guidelines --- ## CSS Syntax ``` .myclass { // Selector background-color: red; // (Declaration) property: value; } ``` --- ## CSS Specificity - Not commonly understood. - Actually relatively simple. - The selector with the highest specificity wins. --- ### Specificity examples ``` /* ids=a classes=b elements=c */ LI /* a=0 b=0 c=1 -> specificity = 1 */ UL LI /* a=0 b=0 c=2 -> specificity = 2 */ UL OL+LI /* a=0 b=0 c=3 -> specificity = 3 */ H1 + *[REL=up] /* a=0 b=1 c=1 -> specificity = 11 */ UL OL /* a=0 b=1 c=3 -> specificity = 13 */ /* a=0 b=2 c=1 -> specificity = 21 */ #x34y /* a=1 b=0 c=0 -> specificity = 100 */ #s12:not(FOO) /* a=1 b=0 c=1 -> specificity = 101 */ ``` --- ### !important - A trump card for individual declarations inside selectors. - Automatically "wins" over any level of specificity. - When multiple `!important`s are found in the same cascade, specificity applies again. - Can be useful, but on the whole it is best to avoid using this where possible. --- ### !important examples ``` LI.special.heading { /* a=0 b=2 c=1 -> specificity = 21 */ color: black; } LI { /* a=0 b=2 c=1 -> specificity = 1 */ color: red !important; /* specificity = 1 !important */ } LI.special { /* a=0 b=2 c=1 -> specificity = 11 */ color: blue !important; /* specificity = 11 !important */ } ``` --- class: center, middle, title ## CSS advice --- ### Use a CSS normalize Browsers have a built in `user agent` stylesheet which are not standardised and differ between browsers. You should use a CSS normalize to fix these inconsistencies and set some useful defaults. Use a template such as [Modern normalize]( and extend it to your own needs. - Set `box-sizing: border-box` to all elements. [Why?]( - Fixes some known bugs (usually in IOS safari) - Set up some useful defaults for typography - Set some defaults for form elements - Only work on the low specificity elements here: no classes --- ### Keep specificity low - Rely on the sensible defaults you set for common elements - Where possible, only use classes - When specificity rises, your ability to maintain the CSS dimishes --- ### Low specificity example ``` a { /* Specificity of 1 */ color: blue; font-weight: 800; text-decoration: underline; } .link-special { /* Specificity of 10 */ color: red; text-decoration: none; } ``` All links now have a default style, with an optional class for special links. --- ### Low specificity example continued... ``` h1 a { /* Specificity of 2 */ color: black; text-decoration: none; } h1 { /* Specificity of 12 */ color: pink; } ``` All links that are inside a `h1` have a special style, and our special links are handled differently for `h1` elements. --- ### High specificity example ``` a#title { /* Specificity of 101 */ color: black; text-decoration: none; } .link-special { /* Specificity of 10 */ color: red; } ``` Our `.link-special` class will not apply it's `color` to this element. We're running into problems due to high specificity. --- ### High specificity to limit scope ```
Why not try
``` Sometimes high specificity is useful. This example prevents styles "leaking" from the element with the id `my-extension`. --- ### Use OOCSS for generic elements - Object oriented CSS - Seperate structure from skin - Separate container and content - Keep classes discreet, encapsulated - Single responsibility principle --- ### Non OOCSS example ``` #sidebar h3 { /* Specificity of 101 */ font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 2em; line-height: 1; color: #777; } #footer h3 { /* Specificity of 101 */ font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1; color: #777; } ``` We're repeating CSS declarations here. We're defining our `h3` elements relative to their parent container. this increases specificity. A more elegant and maintanable solution would be to... --- ### OOCSS example ``` h3 { /* Specificity of 1 */ font-size: 2em; line-height: 1; color: #777; } .heading-small { /* Specificity of 10 */ font-size: 1em; } ``` Each of our CSS declarations now have a single responsiblity, and naked `h3` elements now have a consistent appearance, with optional classes for use where required. --- ### Use BEM for discreet components - BEM is useful for areas of the page that are unique organisms - The single responsibility principle found in OOCSS also applies to BEM - We can still rely on our generic styles for elements - We can override our generic styles easily because specificity is low - BEM stands for Block, Element, Modifier - `[block]__[element]--[modifier]` --- ### BEM element example ```
Look at me!
``` From the naming convention, we can see that the intention of the element class `.media__item` is that it 'belongs' to the block class parent `.media`. --- ### BEM Modifer example ```
``` From the naming convention, we can see that the intention of the modifier class `.media--large` is that it 'belongs' to the block class parent `.media`. `.media__item--framed` 'belongs' to the element class parent `.media__item` --- ### Use SCSS instead of CSS - Writing CSS is static, you can't use code to automate it - CSS is hard to maintain - CSS involves repetition - SCSS helps with all these issues --- ### Variables ``` $colour-brand-primary: #3D8C61; .button { border: 1px solid $colour-brand-primary; } a { color: $colour-brand-primary; } ``` Without these variables, changing a brand colour would involve find/replace. --- ### Placeholders ``` %list-inline { list-style-type: none; padding-left: 0; li { display: inline-block; margin-right: 1em; } } .breadcrumb, .navigation { @extend %list-inline; } ``` Our compiled CSS will still contain this repetition, but it doesn't mean we have to have bloated SCSS files to deal with. We can store repeated CSS declarations as placeholders. --- ### Mixins ``` @mixin svg-inline(colour: $colour-text, $width: 1em) { svg { width: $width; path { fill: $colour; } } } .logo { @include svg-inline($colour-ui-icon, 200px, 50px); } ``` Mixins accept variables and return CSS. --- ### Nesting ``` #my-extension { p { font: 'ms comic sans' } a { color: blue; font-weight: 800; } } /* CSS outputs: */ #my-extension a { } #my-extension p { } ``` Nesting allows you to see the structure of the SCSS better, and avoid repetition in the SCSS that you write. --- ### Colour functions ``` $colour-ui-link: #0A8045; $colour-ui-link-hover: darken($colour-ui-link, 10%); ``` Manipulate colours. --- ### Maths ``` $grid-gutter-half: $font-size-base; $grid-gutter-full: ($grid-gutter-half * 2); ``` Use Maths to calculate CSS properties relative to each other. --- ### Functions ``` // Convert a hex color value to a format safe to use in data-uri @function url-friendly-colour($colour) { @return '%23' + str-slice('#{$colour}', 2, -1) } ``` Automate common manual tasks, such as string formatting. --- ### Use seperate SCSS files ``` scss - atoms - typography.scss - buttons.scss - forms.scss - molecules - tables.scss - sections.scss ``` --- ### Build a CSS file from all these seperate SCSS files ``` node-sass-chokidar --precision 8 --output-style compressed source/stylesheets/notbootstrap.scss build/stylesheets/notbootstrap.css ``` This is an example of an [npm package]( that will compile `notbootstrap.scss` into `notbootstrap.css`. `notbootstrap.scss` itself contains `@import`ed SCSS files: ``` @import 'core/variables'; @import 'core/reset'; @import 'core/functions'; @import 'core/mixins'; @import 'core/placeholders'; @import 'core/scaffolding'; ``` --- ### Recap - Understand Specificity - Understand !important - Use a CSS normalize - Keep specificity low - Use OOCSS for generic elements - Use BEM for discreet components - Use SCSS instead of CSS --- ### Final thoughts - Treat SCSS and the compiled CSS with as much care as you do JavaScript or Python, or anything else, and certainly not as an afterthought - Don't write CSS, write SCSS - Keep your SCSS minimal, maintainable, and understandable - Understand and use the principles of OOCSS, BEM and low specificity - Write comments in your SCSS and convert them [automatically to a styleguide]( --- ### This presentation - This presentation is written in markdown and converted to a slideshow presentation via [remark.js](